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FREE shipping Australia wide for all orders over $120!


Why we send the emails we send 📨

Why we send the emails we send 📨

For those of you who haven't ordered from us yet, this little blurb will detail what to expect. 😃 And explain why we have these emails in place and the incident that sparked these emails.


We have always sent tracking info emails when our orders were shipped, but the importance of keeping customers informed (particularly first time buyers) became abundantly obvious when Covid hit.


Because of a huuuuge increase in orders during this time, we had to extend our usual shipping time frame of 1-10 business days to 14 business days, just to keep up. This was written in large, red letters in the top banner of our website and on every product listing, but still, customers didn't read this. We were constantly receiving "where is my order?" emails after a couple of days, some of them incredibly rude. At the time, I tried to brush these comments off and not take them to heart, knowing that people deal with stress in very different ways. This wasn't easy sometimes 😉


It wasn't until another irate first time customer rang instead of emailing, that something clicked in me. This lady apologised for her tone but explained that during this Covid mayhem, she had purchased and been scammed from 2 separate websites, totalling several hundreds of dollars. So when she hadn't received a shipping email from us yet, she panicked, thinking we were Scam Website Number 3.😈


The craziness of this time lasted almost 2 years and then we were hit with a major flood, but I had decided that when we had time to breathe again, we would look at our email sequences. I would rather our customers had too much information about their order's whereabouts, than have another scenario where a customer thinks she is being scammed again 😟


So, this is why we have our-


 Order Confirmation Emails


  • Thank You Email- sent as soon as you've paid at checkout.
  • Order Confirmation Email- sent very shortly after. This is the "You've been shopping" email, with all the details of your purchase. If you have anything you need to change with your order, please reply to this email ASAP with the relevant details, as we try to put orders into the production queue as soon as they come in.


Shipping Confirmation Emails


  • Order Packed Email- this is the "Hang tight 😎" email, which lets you know that your order is packed and nearly ready to be shipped.
  • Order Shipped Email- the "Woohoo" email 🤣, sent 1 hour after the above order packed email. Included in this email is tracking details of your parcel and also a summary of your order.


  •  7 days after shipping your order, we send out a "Thank You Email". This one is obvious- without our wonderful customers, we wouldn't have a business! So, thank you!
  • 14 days after your order has been shipped, an email asking for a Review is sent. Your review really doesn't need to be War and Peace, but we would really appreciate a few words so others can judge whether to buy from us ( and we're not the aforementioned Scam Website Number 3!)

These are the main, regular emails that are sent. If we haven't seen you around for a while, we have a cute email sequence, to say hi 👋


And of course, our smartest 🤓customers receive our fun newsletter around 3pm every Thursday afternoon, which covers many varied topics and the occasional discount code. 


So, I hope this explains the reason behind our emails. We would rather give a customer too much information and the peace of mind that comes with that info, than have her/him think we are just another shonky website 😉


Next article Some T-shirt jokes 😄

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